Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Monday!!!

Happy Monday folks and welcome to post number 100!!!! As of today I have viewers in the United States, Russia, France, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Germany, and Finland. Not to bad if I do say so myself.
So....... I hardly ever have anyone do my hair for me when it comes to coloring it. I always color it myself and have colored it myself since I was 17 years old. My first round of coloring my hair when I was 17 years old did not go so well. I tried for months and months to get my very dark hair to go blonde. There was a time when I decieded that not a single hair color in the world was going to turn my hair the blonde color that I wanted it to be and that hair bleach was the only soloution to my problem. Needless to say, it created a big problem. I had snow white hair and looked horrible. There was another time when my hair was dark again and I tried to color it blonde. That time it turned out orange, very very orange. But that was years ago and today I decided to expand my wings again and add some purple to my hair. Here is how it turned out.
Anyone try making their broom stand up on its own today? We did and here is why...
We are in the spring equinox. Because of the 23 degree tilt of the earth's spin axis, there is a degree of symmetry during an equinox when the earth's spin axis is exactly at right angles with the direction to the sun from the earth. The actual day of complete equinox is March 5 of this year. You can also stand an egg straight up during this time. Here is how it is done. Point the ends of your broom to the north and the south, let go, and boom, it stands on its own.  We didnt try the egg one but here is our attempt and getting the brooms to stand up.
Its getting closer and closer. I love vacation time!!!!! I called my grandma today and told her that we are headed to Vegas on Saturday and we are going to drive over to California to see her on Monday. She sounded pretty excited even with her very low key demeanor. I havent seen her or anyone else out there in two years and I am so happy to finally be able to see them again.

Thats it everyone. The kids are about to go to bed and I am going to get back to my Facebook stuff. New video coming soon, promise. Have a great night and a great day tomorrow.

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