Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Well, I was looking at my countdown 'till Christmas ticker on my phone a realized that I am a day off on my countdown. I think I was accidentally counting Christmas day as a day until Christmas. So lets try this again.. Today is December 13th and that means.....11 days until Christmas.  (hey at least I was a day behind and not a day ahead).
So, one of my little ones was not feeling well today and I had to take him out of school early. I still had work that needed to be done so I took him into the lab with me and he ended up learning tons of new stuff and even helping out a little. It was pretty fun having him there and teaching him some new stuff. I am not sure if he is going to be able to make it to school tomorrow because he wasnt able to keep his dinner down tonight. We may have to stay home tomorrow and snuggle... (oh darn, right).
So, I have been pondering for a long time about doing something different with my hair. Not really cutting it but adding some color to it. I am thinking about some kind of color (like red or purple) highlights just to do something different. I am the kind of person that doesnt really like to keep my hair the same way. On the other hand I am not the kind of peron that wants to ruin my hair or look like a clown. That is probably the only thing that is holding me back.
So, this is me signing off and wishing everyone a very happy Wednesday (my favorite day of the week because ghost hunters is on).

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