Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday is here.

Well hello there beautiful. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my babble. I appreciate it. Who else lives in Laramie and thinks that the construction on Grand Ave. is all a bunch of bull dung? ((me too)).  I have come to learn that there are some very interesting things that you see living in a small town. For example, bumper stickers. Generally when you live in small towns people do a lot of traveling because small towns dont provide much for entertainment or shopping. So, you see bumper stickers from all kinds of places with all different kinds of sayings. Some are pretty interesting to say the least. Here is one that I saw today that fits some us perfect ((and you know who you are)).
In my adventures today I came across an interesting car. To tell you the truth, I come across interesting cars all the time. I live in a town that homes a little place called Wyo Tech. For those of you that dont know, Wyo Tech is an automotive college that offers a bunch of different classes in the automotive industry. Most of the time the students roll in with some out of the ordinary cars so we tend to see some pretty out of the ordinary stuff. But I think this one tops them all.

I guess I should mention that today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly day. I have no idea why peanut butter and jelly need to be nationally recognized during an entire day but none the less, Happy National Peanut Butter and Jelly day.
And for tonights pun on gas prices.... It seams as though we use gas for more then just our cars. We forget that we need gasoline to power our cars, boats, lawn mowers, lawn edgers and trimmers, chain saws, generators, and go carts. I have found a way around the lawn equipment issue.
LOL, I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. It is supposed to be snowy again like it was today so make sure that you bundle up and enjoy the moisture. Summer will be here before you know it.

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